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51 Georgii III. Cap. viii


I A. B. being inlisted to serve In the [Infantry or Artillery, as the Case may be of the East India Company, do swear, That I will bear true Allegiance to our Sovereign Lord King George, and that I will, as in Duty bound,: defend him in His Person Crown and Dignity, against all His Enemies; and I swear that I will also be true to the said United Company, and will duly observe and obey all their Orders, and the Orders of the Generals and Officers who shall be lawfully set over me.


I A. B. do make Oath, That I am (or have been, as the Case may be) [state Occupation, if any, state if none], and to the best of my Knowledge and Belief was born in [state County, Parish or Place, &c.] and that I am of the Age of ———— Years, and that I do not belong to the Militia or to any Regiment in His Majesty's Service, or to His Majesty's Navy or Marines, and that I will serve the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, until I shall be duly and legally discharged [or if the Recruit enlists for limited Service, then out the Words scored under and insert] for the Period, of Twelve Years [if the Person inlisting is of the Age of Eighteen Years or upwards, but if uinder Eighteen Years, then the difference between his Age and Eighteen to be added to such Twelve Years, as the Case may he, and such Period to be inserted instead of Twelve Years] provided the said United Company should so long require my Service.


I ———— One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peach of ———— [or Chief Magistrate of ————] do hereby certify, that ———— appeared to be ———— Years old, ———— Feet ———— Inches high. ———— Complexion, ———— Eyes, ———— Hair, came before me at ———— on the ———— Day of ———— and stated himself to be of the Age of ———— Years, and that he had no Rupture, and was not troubled with Fits, and was noways disabled by Lameness, Deafness, or otherwise, but had the perfect Use of his Limbs and Hearing, and was not an Apprentice, and acknowledged that he had voluntarily enlisted himself for the Bounty of ———— to serve the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, and did engage to serve for the Period of ———— [this Blank, to be filled up by the Magistrate either until discharged or for Years, as in the preceding Form of Enlistment] and I do hereby certify, that in*my Presence the Third and Fourth Articles of the Second Section and the First Article of the Sixth Section of the Articles of War against Mutiny and Desertion were read over to him, and he took the Oath of Fidelity mentioned in the Act Of the Fiftieth Year of His present Majesty, and also the Oath above set forth, and that he received the Sum of———— on being attested, and that I have given to the said ———— a Duplicate of this Certificate, signed with my name.

The Provisions of the above Clauses of this Act, with the Schedules, have been annually renewed by the undermentioned Acts; which, therefore, it is not necessary to insert, viz,

52 Geo. III. Cap. 32, Sections 10 & 78.
53 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 17, Sections 12 & 87.
54 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 25, Sections— — — 12 & 89.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 20, Sections— — — 12 & 80.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 108, Sections— — — 12 & 92.
56 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 10, Sections— — — 12 & 92.