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51 Georgii III. Cap. lxiv, lxxiv.

After raising 4,000,000l. Company restrained from raising further Money on Bond.III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That when the said United Company shall have raised under and by virtue of the said Act of the Thirty-seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, and of the said Act of the,Forty-seventh Tear of the Reign of His present Majesty, and of this Act, such Sums of Money as together shall amount to the Sum of Four Millions Sterling, then and from thenceforth it shall not be lawful for the said Company to raise any further Sum of Money upon Bond: and all Money which from thenceforth shall be raised by Increase of Capital Stock, under and by virtue of the said first-mentioned Act, shall be applied in Discharge of the said Bond Debt, until the said Bond Debt, created by virtue of the said Act of the Forty-seventh Year of the Reign bf His Majesty, or this Act, together with the Money to be raised by Increase of Capital as aforesaid, shall be reduced to the Sum of Four Millions Sterling.

Bonds issued by the Company under their Common Seal be transferable, &c.IV. And whereas Bonds, issued under the Common Seal of the said United Company, for Money borrowed by them by virtue of the Powers enabling them to borrow Money, upon Bond, have usually been entered into, and have been expressed to have been made payable to the Person who for the Time being has been the Treasurer of the said United Company, or his Assigns, and upon his Indorsement thereof, they have, been sold and passed from one Person to another, by Delivery of the Possession thereof; and it is expedient that a legal Effect should be given to such Mode of Transfer of the Property in the said Bonds, and the Money secured thereby; be it therefore further enacted, That all Bonds issued, or to be issued, under the Common Seal of the said United Company, by virtue of any, Power by which they have been, are, or hereafter may be authorized to borrow Money upon their Bonds, shall be assignable and transferable by Delivery of the Possession thereof; and upon every such Assignment or Transfer, the Money secured by the Bond so assigned or transferred, and due, and to become due thereon, and the Property in Such Bond, shall be absolutely well at Law as in Equity, in the person or Persons, Body or Bodies Politick and Corporate; to whom the same shall be,so assigned or transferred, and the Per­son or Persons, Body or Bodies Politick and Corporate, to whom any such Bond shall be so assigned and transferred,rand his, her, and their Executors, Administrators, and Successors respec­tively, shall and may. maintain his, her, or their Action for the Principal and Interest secured thereby, and due thereon, or otherwise relating thereto," in like Manner as the Obligee or Obligees named in any such Bond, or his, her, or their Executors, Administrators, or Successors, may now maintain any Action thereon; and in every such Action the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall recover his, her, or their, Debt, Damages, and Costs of Suit; and if any such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be nonsuited, or a Verdict be given against him, her, or them, the Defendant or Defendants shall recover his, her, or their Costs against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, and every such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, Defendant or Defendants respectively recovering, may sue out Execution for such Debt, Damages, and Costs by Capias, Fieri facais,or Elegit.

Public Act.VI. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall be deemed and taken to be a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken Notice of as such, by all Judges, Justices, and others, without being specially pleaded.


An Act for authorizing the Sale of Prize Goods lodged in Warehouses after a certain Period.

[15th June 1811.]

WHEREAS it is expedient that the Prize Goods landed and secured in Warehouses within Great Britain should be cleared; from, thence within a limited Time; be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent, of the Lords spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present, Parliarment assembled, and by the Authority of the same.Goods secured in Warehouses under 43 G. 3. c. 134. shall be cleared within Three Years from the Entry.That the Owners or Proprietors of all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, which from and after the passing of this Act may be secured in Warehouses under the Regulations of an Act passed in the Forty-third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for the Relief of the Captors of Prizes with respect to the bringing and landing certain Prize Goods in Great Britain during Hostilities," shall, within Three Years, to be computed from the Day on which such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize shall be respectively entered with the properOfficers