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51 Georgii III. Cap. lxxv.

any Part of such Period, then within Forty Days after the Commencement of the Session of Parliament in such Year, there shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament, an Account of every Increase and Diminution which shall have taken place within the preceding Year, ending on the First Day of January, in the Number of Persons employed in all publick Offices or Departments, or in the Salaries, Emoluments, Allowances, and Expences which may have taken place, or been paid, granted, Received, or incurred for and in respect of all Officers and Persons belonging to or employed in or by, or in the Service of all publick Offices or Departments, specifying the Amount and Nature thereof, and distinguishing in such Account every Increase and Diminution in the Amount of all Allowances or Compensations granted or allowed, as retired Allowances or Super­ annuations, to any Person or Persons having held any Office, Place, or Employment in any such publick Office or Department; or having been employed in any Manner in any publick Services under any such Office or Department; and specifying in every such Account the Time and Length of Service of every such Person, and the Amount of the Salary or Allowances received by such Person immediately preceding such Superannuation, and the Nature of his Services; and also spe­cifying in every such Account the Grounds upon which every such Increase or Diminution in the Establishment of any such publick Office or Department, or of any such Salary, Emolument, Allowance, or Compensation, or Superannuation as aforesaid, shall have been made, granted, or allowed, shall extend and be construed to extend to the Office of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India.

East India Company may restore to thier service Military Officers removed therefrom by Sentences of Court Martial;IV. And whereas it was and by the said Act of the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty's Reign also enacted, that after Sentence or Judgment of any Court, having competent Jurisdiction, whether in Great Britain or in India, against any (governor General, Governor, President, Counseller, or Commander in Chief, or against any of the said United Company's Servants, Civil or Military, for any Debts or Penalty due or belonging to the said United Company, or for any Extortion or other Misdemeanor, it should not be lawful for the said Limited Company, in any Case whatever, to release or compound such Sentence or Judgment, or to restore any Servant or Ser­vants of the said Company who should have been removed of dismissed from his or their Office or Employment, for or on Account of Misbehaviour, by the Sentence of any of the said Courts; And whereas Doubts have arisen whether Military Officers may be restored to the Service of the said United Company, who may have been removed therefrom by Sentences of Courts Martial; Be it therefore enacted and declared, That it was and is lawful for the Court of Directors of the said United Company, to restore to Service of the said Company any Military Officer who shall have been or shall be dismissed or suspended therefrom by the Sentence of a Court Martial.

with Consent of the Board of Commissioners.V. Provided always, and be it enacted. That from and after the passing of this Act, no such Restoration shall be in anywise valid or effectual, without the Approbation and Consent of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, for that Purpose had and obtained.

VI. And whereas by an Act, passed in the Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty intituled, 39 G. 3. c. 89.'An Act for regulating the Manner is which the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, shall hire and take up Ships for their Regular Service," it is enacted, amongst other Things, that it should be lawful for the Court of Directors of the said Company, or their Servants Abroad, in Cases of Unforeseen Exigency, to hire Ships for any parti­cular Service, and that, in Cases of Ships so hired publick Notice should be given by Advertisement of the Ships or Tonnage wanted, and the Service required. Fourteen Days at least previous to the Time appointed for taking up the same; And whereas in many Cases of unforeseen Exigency, it is impracticable or highly inconvenient to comply with the Requisition of the said Act; be it therefore enacted. Company in Cases of unforeseen Exigency may take up Ships by private Contract.That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Court of Directors of the said United Company, Of their Servants Abroad, in all Cases of unforeseen and pressing Exigency, to hire and take up by private Contract, with or without advertising, any Ship or Ships whatsoever, particular Purpose, so as no such Ship shall be hired or taken up for more than one Voyage; and that the Reasons for taking up any such Ship in less Time than Fourteen Days as aforesaid after the Publication of an Advertisement, be stated in the Minutes of the said Court of Directors, and reported to the Court of Proprietors that shall be next holden after such hiring and taking up.