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51 Georgii III. Cap. lxxxvi, xcvi.

SCHEDULE, continued.

Hemp, continued.

the same Purposes, imported in a British-built Ship, the cwt. 0 7 8 0 3 10
Hemp,— — — dressed— — — not imported in a British-built Ship, the cwt. 0 8 8 0 5 10
Hemp, rough or undressed, or any other vegetable Substance, in the Nature or Quality of undressed Hemp, and applicable to the same Purposes, the Produce of the British Plantations in America, or imported from Great Britain, having been, imported into England by the United-Company of Mer­hants of England trading to the East Indies, the Ton, containing 1O cwt. 0 6 8
Cordage, tarred or untarred, not being of the Manufacture of Great Britain, whether in Use or otherwise, or Running Rigging in Use excepted) and all Cable Yarn not being the Manufacture of Great Britain, the cwt. 0 18 0
Twine, not being the Manufacture of Great, Britain, the cwt. 1 6 0
Cotton Wool, imported into Ireland In any Ship or, vessel, not being a British or Irish-built Ship or Vessel, the 100 lbs, 1 5 6 1 5 6


An Act to extend the Powers vested in the Commissioners of the Customs of restoring Vessels and, Goods, seized to Seizures made by virtue of any Acts, relating to the Department of the Customs.

[26th June, 1811.]

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled 47 G. 3. c, 32. "An Act for making further Provisions in regard to such Vessels as are particularly described in an Act made in the Twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty for the more effectual Prevention of Smuggling in this Kingdom, and for extending the said Act to other Vessels and Boats not particularly described therein; for taking off the Duties on Flasks in which, Wine or Oil is imported; for laying an additional Duty on Foreign Geneva imported for, taking off the Duty on Ebony, the Growth of Africa, imported into this Kingdom; and for amending several Laws relative to the Revenue of Customs;" the Commissioners of the Customs in England and Scotland respectively are authorized to direct, under the Circumstances and on the Terms and Conditions, therein mentioned, any Goods or Commodities whatever, or any Ships, Vessels, Boats, Horses, Cattle or Carriages which shall have been seized as forfeited by virtue or in pursuance of any Act or Acts of Parliament relating to the Revenue of Customs, to be restored to the Proprietor or Proprietors: And whereas Doubts have arisen whether the Powers and Authorities so vested in the said Commissioners extend, to authorize the Delivery of Goods and Commodities, Ships, Vessels, Boats, Horses, Cattle, or Carriages that may have been seized as forfeited by any Officer or Officers of the Customs, or other Person or Persons being duly authorized to make such Seizures by virtue and in pursuance of any other Act or Acts of Parlia­ment: And Whereas it is expedient, in order to obviate such Doubts, and to prevent the Delay, Inconvenience, and Expence that would be occasioned by the detention of Vessels or Goods seized under Circumstances, wherein it would be just and reasonable that Relief should be afforded, that the Powers and Authorities so vested in the Commissioners of the Customs in England and Scotland respectively should extend and be construed to extend to authorize the Commissioners of the Cus­toms in England, and Scotland according to their respective Jurisdictions, to order any Goods or Commodities whatever, of any Ships, Vessels, Boats, Horses, Cattle or Carriages; which shall have been Seized as forfeited by any Officer or Officers of the Customs or by any other Person or Persons who by virtue and under the Authority of Any Act or Acts of Parliament made for the Protec­tion of Trade, the Benefit of Commerce, or for the encouraging and increasing of Shipping and Navigation, or in any respect relating to the Department of the Customs, to be restored to the Proprietor or Proprietors on the Terms and Conditions herein after mentioned; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authorityof