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52 Georgi III. Cap xxxix

Owners not liable for more than the Value of the Ship & Freight.XXVII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Owner of any such Ship or Vessel shall be liable, in any such Case, for any Loss or Damage beyond the value of such ship or Vessel and her Appurtenances, and the Freight due or to grow due for and during such Voyage wherein such Loss or Damage may happen or arise.

Owners not to be liable for Loss arising from Incompetency of Pilots, &c.XXX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that no Owner or Master of any Ship or Vessel shall be answerable for any Loss or Damage, nor shall any Owner or Owners of any Ship or Vessel, or Consignee of Goods, be presented from recovering any Loss or Damage upon any Contract of Insurance of the same, or upon any other Contract relating to any Ship or Vessel, or any Cargo on board the same, for or by Reason or Mears of any Neglect, Default, Incompetency, or Incapacity of any Pilot taken on board of any such ship or Vessel unter or in pursuance of any of the Provisions of this Act.

Licensed Pilots may supersede unlicensed ones; Penalty on Masters continuing unlicensed Pilots, &c. after a proper Pilot shall have offered to take Charge of the Ship.XXXIV. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any licensed Pilot to supersede any person not licensed as a Pilot in the Charge of any Ship or Vessel within the Limits of his Licence: And every Master of any Ship or Vessel who shall continue to act himself as a Pilot, or who shall continue any unlicensed Person, or any licensed Person acting out of the Limits for which he is qualified as a Pilot, after any Pilot licensed to Act within the Limits in which such Ship or Vessel shall the actually be shall have offered to take Charge of the Ship or Vessel; and every person assuring or continuing in the Charge or Conduct of any Ship or Vessel with out being duly licensed to act within the Limits in which such Ship or Vessel shall actually be, after any Pilot duly licensed qualified to act within the Premises shall have offered to take Charge of such Ship or vessel all respectively forfeit for every such Offence a Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds, nor less then Twenty Pounds.

Trinity House of Deptford shall establish Routes or pilotage which shall be hung up at the respective Custom Houses.XXXV. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, and they are hereby authorized and required to establish, vary and alter, at from time to Time as Circumstances shall render the same necessary, regular Rates of Pilotage in relation to all Pilotage performed in any River, Port, or Place, or upon any Coast whatever, by any Pilot or Pilots who shall be licensed by the said Corporation, upon their receiving Certificates of Examination from any Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage hereby directed to be appointed; which Rates shall be regulated by and proportioned as well to the Size and Draught of Water of the Vessels, as to the Distance piloted, the Detention and Responsibility of the Pilot, and such other Circumstances the said Corporation may think fit to take into consideration in fixing and establishing such Rates; of which Establishment or Alterations of Rates of Pilotage, Notice shall be given by hanging up printed Tables thereof, corrected from Time to Time as Variations therein shall be made, at the several Custom Houses at the Ports to which the said Rates shall apply.

Majority of Pilots or Owners of Ships, being dissatisfied Rates, may appeal to the Privy Council, who may determine the Matter.XXXVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if the major Part in Number of the Pilots who shall be licensed by the said Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, for any particular Port or Place, in consequence of their receiving Certificates of Examinations as aforesaid, shall be dissatisfied with the Rates so established or altered, or in case any Owners of Ships or vessels, interested in any such Rates, shall be dissatisfied with such respective Rates, it shall be lawful for such Parties respectively to appeal to the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council; and it shall be lawful-for any committee of such Privy Council, calling to their Assistance any such Persons as they may think fit, to hear and determine the Matter of such Appeal or Appeals, and to settle, alter, and regulate such Rates, as to them shall appear to be expedient, in case the Matter of such Appeal shall in the Discretion of the said Committee of Privy Council appear to require the making any Orders therein.

Masters of Vessels bound to the Thames repairing to Standgate Creek Creek to pay full Charges of Pilotage, &c.XLII. And be it further enacted, That the Master or Person, commanding any Ship or Vessel bound to the River Thames, and which shall repair to Standgate Creek for the Performance of Quarantine, shall pay the full Charges of Pilotage up to Gravesend or Standgate Creek or other Place appointed for the Performance of Quarantine, and every Pilot conducting any such Vessel to Standgate Creek shall be entitled to Eight Shillings per Diem, for the Days he shall be obliged to remain on Quarantine.

Pilots quitting Ships at Standgate Creek before Arrival at the Place to which bound, to forfeit Pay; and be liable to Penalty.XLIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Pilot taking Charge of any Ship or Vessel into the the Rivers Thames or Medway, shall quit such Ship or Vessel at Standgate Creek before such Ship or Vessel shall have arrived at the Place to which such Ship or Vessel is bound in the Rivers Thames or Medway, respectively, without the Consent of the Captain or other Person having theCommand