It batter’d ſo their Dunkirk, and did ſo the Don firk,That he is fled, and ſwears the Devil is in Dunkirk.
He that can tower o’er him that is lower,would be but thought a Fool to put away his Power;Take Books and rent ’um, who would invent ’um,When as the Sword replies, Negatur argumentum:Your grand College Butlers, muſt ſtoop to your Sutlers,There’s not a Library living like the Cutlers;The Blood that is ſpilt, Sir, hath gain’d all the gilt, Sir,Thus have you ſeen me run the Sword up to the hilt, Sir.
Cromwell’s Coronation.
Oliver, Oliver, take up thy Crown,For now thou haſt made three Kingdoms thine own;Call thee a Conclave of thy own Creation, To ride us to Ruin, who dare thee oppoſe;Whilſt we thy good People are at thy Devotion, To fall down and worſhip thy terrible Noſe.
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