A Song.
For General Monk’s Entertainment at Cloth-workers-Hall.
1.Ring Bells! and let Bonfires out-blaze the Sun! Let Ecchoes contribute their Voice!Since now a happy Settlement’s begun, Let all Things tell how all good Men rejoice. If theſe ſad Lands by this, Can but obtain the Bliſs,Of their deſired, though abuſed Peace; We’ll never never more Run mad, as we have heretofore,To buy our Ruin; but all Strife ſhall ceaſe.
2.The Cobler ſhall edify us no more, Nor ſhall in Divinity ſet any Stitches;The Women we will no more hear and adore, That Preach with their Husbands for the Breeches. The Phanatical Tribe, That will not ſubſcribe