The high opinion or rather certain knowledge, I have of your singular Wit and Vertues, has emboldened, or, to speak more properly, commanded me to make choice of none other then your self for a Patroness of this present Treatise. For besides that I doe your Ladiship that Right, as also this present Age and succeeding Posterity, as to be a witness to the World of such eminent Accomplishments and transcendent Worth; so I do not a little please my self, while I finde myself assured in my own conceit, that Cebes his mysterious and judicious Piece of Morality hung up in the Temple of Saturn, (which was done in way of Divine Honour to the Wisdome of the Deity) was not more safely and suteably placed, then this carefull Draught of Naturall Theology or Metaphysicks, which I have dedicated to so Noble, so Wise and so Pious a Personage. And for my own part, it seems to me as reall a point of Re-