Page:A Commentary on Tennyson's In Memoriam (1920).djvu/23

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For this edition not many changes have been made in the Introduction, but a great many in the Commentary. Notes or parts of notes on a few lines have been omitted as needless. I have added explanations of other passages which I had supposed to require none. And in the notes on some of the specially troublesome lines I have made alterations or additions, either to support my opinion, or to show why I have changed it, or to mention interpretations which, without having convinced me, seem to me not improbable. Where the new matter takes the form of a note on the old it is often printed within square brackets. For the convenience of owners of the first edition I give a list of the passages where important changes have been made in the Commentary, without noticing the minor improvements which occur on almost every page: II. 11, 12; III. 6,