pletingpleting his last, Willing to Die, he died at his residence, 18 Merrion-square South, 7th February 1873, aged 58. He was buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery. Most of these particulars are taken from an appreciative article in Temple Bar iov August 1877, and a short notice in the Dublin University Magazine shortly after his death. The writer of the latter says : " He was a man who thought deeply, especially on religious subjects. To those who knew him he was very dear. They admired him for his learning, his sparkling wit, and pleasant conversation, and loved him for his manly virtues, for his noble and generous qualities, his gentleness, and his loving, affectionate nature." 166 233
Lefroy, Thomas Langlois, Chief-Justice of the Queen's Bench, was born in the County of Limerick, 8th January 1776 — descended from an old Huguenot family. He entered Trinity College, 2nd November 1790, and was a member of the old College Historical Society, broken up in 1794. As auditor of the new society established in 1795, he delivered the opening address, and obtained four gold medals for oratory. He was called to the Bar in 1797. Two years afterwards he married at Abergavenny a Miss Paul, a member of one of the many Wexford families that retired to Wales during the Insurrection. In 180616, having risen high in practice, and having, in conjunction with his friend Mr. Schoales, published a valuable series of Reports, he was appointed King's Counsel; two years later he was made King's Sergeant. He was a prominent member of nearly all Protestant religious associations, including the Kildare-place Education Society. In 1830 his resignation of the sergeantcy created some sensation. He was prompted to this step by the Government declining to send him as usual judge of assize on a vacancy occurring. His known Protestant proclivities and his unpopularity with the Catholic party were the causes of this apparent slight. He sat as member for Dublin University from 1830 to 1841 — taking the Conservative side, and opposing the extension of the Reform Bill to Ireland. In 1841, not without reluctance, seeing that his claims to the Chancellorship had been overlooked, he accepted the post of Baron of the Exchequer. He sat as judge during most of the political trials of 1848, and passed sentence on John Mitchel and other leaders of the Young Ireland movement. In 1852 he became Chief-Justice. "As a judge, he was remarkable for the quickness with which he apprehended the essential features of the cases submitted to him, while his comprehensive grasp of legal principles, and his skill in the application of them, have rarely, if ever, been surpassed." 304 In 1866 unsuccessful efforts were made in Parliament to remove him because of his great age. Later in the same year he resigned, refusing offers of a baronetcy and a seat on the Privy Council for his son. He died at Newcourt, near Bray, 4th May 1869, aged 93 years, retaining his faculties to the end. He was buried at Mount Jerome. Mr. Lefroy was a devoted parent, delighting in home; and was of a deeply religious cast of mind. He left behind a collection of meditations on religious subjects. 16 213 304
Leland, Thomas, D.D., author of an Irish history and other works, was born in Dublin, 1722, "of parents worthy and respectable, but not opulent or exalted." He was educated at Dr. Sheridan's school; in 1737 entered Trinity College as a pensioner, and in 1746 was chosen Fellow. In 1754 he and his friend Dr. John Stokes published an edition of the Philippic Orations of Demosthenes, with a Latin version and notes; and between 1754 and 1761, partly at the solicitation of Lord Charlemont, he brought out an English translation of the same. His History of Philip, King of Macedon, appeared in 2 vols. 4to. in 1758. In 1768 he commenced his History of Ireland, published in London and Dublin, in 3 vols. 4to. in 1773. This last was written principally at his vicarage at Bray. He was the author of sermons, and numerous works not necessary to specify. In 1773 he exchanged to the vicarage of St. Anne's, Dublin. We are told that "from the time he became a parish minister he was unwearied and exemplary in the discharge of every part of his duty, and particularly that of a public instructor." 214 In 1781 he resigned his fellowship for the rectory of Ardstraw, in the County of Londonderry. He died in Dublin, August 1785, aged about 63. Disraeli speaks of him as "the eloquent translator of Demosthenes"; Allibone, as "a profound scholar and most eloquent preacher." In a notice of Dr. Leland in the Anthologia Hibernica, vol. i., in which will be found a portrait and list of his works, the author remarks; "His fame for classical learning is unrivalled. . . He never evidenced the smallest specimen of fondness for, or researches into, Irish antiquities. . . In this history, on which his friends, with ill-judged fondness dwell, we find very trifling intimations of the constitution, government, and laws of Ireland; nothing of its learning, commerce, coin, or shipping; nothing of its architecture, poetry, or