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Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/321

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and compassionate man, in the course of the war he hesitated at no measures, however extreme, which he believed necessary for the conquest of the country — as when he half-smothered and put to the sword a party of Irish in a cave near Dundalk, and when (Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 8) he and other officers caused the mother of Colonel FitzPatrick to be burned to death for complicity in the early transactions of the war. Ludlow was engaged in all parts of the country against large bands of the Irish who held out for months, and carried on a harassing warfare against the Cromwellians. The war was not proclaimed at an end until 26th September 1653, and he returned to England in December. His recitals are singularly deficient in dates. His life outside Ireland — his early career as a Parliamentary general; his participation in the trial of the King; his independent opposition to Cromwell; his flight at the Restoration, and his long exile and death at Vevay in 1693, aged 73 — do not come within the limits of this work. He was buried in the church of St. Martin, Vevay, where may be seen a slab erected to his memory by his widow. His Memoirs, written by himself, relating more to the events of his time than to his life, were published at Vevay in 1698 and 1699. He was also the author of some political tracts. 42 117* 219* 323†

Lundy, Robert, Lieutenant-Colonel, was in December 1688 received into Derry as Governor, being thereto appointed by the citizens and Lord Mountjoy, who had decided upon holding out in favour of William III. According to Walker's account of the siege, Lundy from the first endeavoured to damp the enthusiasm of the inhabitants, and of the Protestants who were arming themselves in the surrounding country. On 17th of April 1689, when the news of James's approach at the head of an efficient army reached the town, Lundy called a council, and pointing out the small means available for defence, recommended immediate surrender as the wisest course for the inhabitants and garrison. He also advised some English reinforcements to return. Most of the inhabitants, however, headed by the Rev. George Walker and Major Baker, determined to hold out to the last. "The commission he [Lundy] bore, as well as their respect for his person, made it a duty in them to contribute all they could to his safety; and therefore, finding him desirous to escape the danger of such a tumult, they suffered him to disguise himself, and, in a sally for the relief of Cuhuore, to pass in a boat with a load of march on his back, from whence he got to the shipping. 337 His conduct is generally supposed to have been due to deliberate treachery and an understanding with James II. In that case it might reasonably have been expected he would have immediately joined the Irish army; instead of which he soon afterwards appeared in London. Macaulay says: "It is probable that his conduct is rather to be attributed to faintheartedness and poverty of spirit than to zeal for any public cause. He seems to have thought resistance hopeless; and in truth, to a military eye the defences of Londonderry appeared contemptible." We have no particulars of Lundy's life. He is still annually burned in effigy at Londonderry. 223 337

Luttrell, Simon, Colonel in James II.'s Irish army, was born about 1654, probably at Luttrellstown, a beautifully situated estate near Lucan, which had been granted to Sir Geoffrey Luttrell by King John. Several members of the family held high offices in the state, and Simon's grandfather was exiled to Connaught by Cromwell; but after the Restoration, the family estate was restored to his father, Thomas Luttrell. Simon raised a regiment of dragoons for James II., was appointed Governor of Dublin, and represented the county in James's Parliament. When the Irish party at Limerick, opposed to Tirconnell, despatched their deputation to the King at St. Germain's, Colonel Luttrell was associated therein. After the fall of Limerick in 1691, he retired to the Continent, refusing to avail himself of amnesty proffered upon condition of his taking the oath of allegiance to William III. He became Colonel of the Queen's Regiment of Guards in the Irish Brigade, and died 6th September 1698, as is recorded on his monument in the chapel of the Irish College at Paris. He was described by the Duke of Berwick as "of a mild disposition, and he always appeared to him to be an honest man." 186 197†

Luttrell, Henry, Colonel, younger brother of preceding, born about 1655, also commanded a regiment of horse in James's army, and also formed one of the deputation to James II. at St. Germain's, to seek Tirconnell's removal. He served with distinction at Sligo,but was afterwards believed to have carried on a treasonable correspondence with De Ginkell, and to have betrayed an important post at Limerick. He brought over his regiment to William III.'s service after the fall of Limerick, had the family estates and a pension of £500 settled on him, and became a major-general in the Dutch army. On the death of William III. he returned to