Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/342

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at the same time made a proclamation in which he promised large rewards to all persons who would aid him in the recovery of his territories. It was there that he met Richard FitzGilbert, Earl of Strigul, with whom he made the following compact, to wit: Diarmaid promised to give his own daughter Aeifi [Eva] to this Earl as his wife: and with her he promised him the inheritance of Leinster after his own death. The Earl bound himself upon his part to follow the exiled prince into Ireland, and there to assist him in recovering his lost principality." On his return through Wales he visited Rhys-ap-Griffen, who was induced to liberate Robert FitzStephen, his prisoner, "upon the express condition that he should follow MacMurcadha into Ireland in the course of the summer ensuing. To Robert, Diarmaid promised to grant Loch Garman [Wexford] and the two cantreds of land that lay next thereto, as a reward for his agreeing to come to his assistance." Some doubt exists as to whether Dermot sought Henry II. in the summer of 1167 or of 1168. In view of the dealings he was likely to have with the Anglo-Normans, he prudently attached to his service as his secretary Maurice Regan, probably an Irishman who had resided for a considerable time in England. Keating's statement that Dermot on his return proceeded secretly to Ferns, "and placed himself under the protection of the clergy and brotherhood of that monastery, and there dwelt in sadness and obscurity for a short time, until the summer had set in," does not agree with the tolerably well-ascertained fact that before FitzStephen's arrival in the spring of 1169, Dermot had regained possession of at least a portion of his kingdom. After the advent of the different bands of Anglo-Normans in 1169 and 1170, he was little more than a cypher, and any events in which he was engaged are more properly related in the notices of Robert FitzStephen, Maurice FitzGerald, Strongbow, and their fellows. According to promise, he gave his daughter Eva in marriage to Earl Strongbow at Waterford shortly after his landing in 1170. Dermot lived little more than a year after this. His death in 1171 (aged about 81) is thus noticed by the Four Masters: "Diarmaid MacMurchadha, King of Leinster, by whom a trembly sod was made of all Ireland — after having brought over the Saxons, after having done extensive injuries to the Irish, after plundering and burning many churches, as Ceanannus, Cluain Iraird, etc. — died . . of an insufferable and unknown disease; for he became putrid while living, through the miracle of God, Colum-Cille, and Finnen, and the other saints of Ireland, whose churches he had profaned and burned some time before; and he died at Fearnamor [Ferns], without making a will, without penance, without the body of Christ, without unction, as his evil deeds deserved." Cambrensis sketches his appearance and character: "Dermidius was tall in stature, and of large proportions, and, being a great warrior and valiant in his nation, his voice had become hoarse by constantly shouting and raising his war-cry in battle. Bent more on inspiring fear than love, he oppressed his nobles, though he advanced the lowly. A tyrant to his own people, he was hated by strangers; his hand was against every man, and the hand of every man against him." The same writer admits that the invaders encountered "no dastards, but valiant men who stood well to the defence of their country, and manfully resisted their enemies." Dervorgilla spent much of her later life in religious exercises, and part of her substance in endowing churches. She survived until 1193, when she died at Mellifont Abbey, County of Meath, which she had enriched with many presents. Although Dermot's kingdom nominally passed into Earl Strongbow's family after his decease, much of it appears to have been soon again occupied by the MacMurroughs, by whom it was held in almost undisputed sway for several centuries, 135 148 171

MacMurrough, Art, King of Leinster, collaterally descended from preceding, was born in 1357. He was knighted when but seven years of age. At twenty his father died, and he succeeded to the government of Leinster. From his sixteenth year he had successfully repelled encroachments and levied exactions upon the colonists in return for leaving open the roads between the northern and southern portions of the Pale. Many of the Leinster septs, claiming descent from Cahir Mor, obeyed Art as their chief. According to their chroniclers, he held in "his fair hand the sovereignty and the charters of the province." He is spoken of as "replete with hospitality, knowledge, and chivalry; the prosperous and kingly enricher of churches and monasteries with his alms and offerings." He strengthened his position by marrying the Baroness of Narragh, daughter of Mauiice, 4th Earl of Kildare. She was entitled to estates in Kildare, which were seized and granted by the crown to others, on the ground of her having forfeited them by marrying one of the principal enemies of the King