Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/566

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where a monument was erected to his memory. Mr. Anderson, in his Historical Sketches of the Ancient Native Irish, thus sums up Wadding's labours: "We may form some idea of the prodigious activity of this man when it is stated that during his lifetime he wrote and published ten volumes in folio, two in quarto, and four in octavo; besides preparing, with great labour, sixteen volumes in folio for the press, and superintending four others of the same size. Of these, fourteen he got printed at Rome, twenty-one at Lyons, and one at Antwerp, or thirty-six in all!" Many of the greatest treasures in Irish manuscripts, which during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries were secretly conveyed away from Ireland and placed for safety in the library of St. Isidore's, have been within the last few years brought back again to Ireland, and are now in the library of the Franciscans in Dublin. There also may be seen, among other interesting relics, a contemporary portrait of the great Franciscan himself. [He must not be confused with Luke Wadding, Bishop of Ferns, who in Charles II.'s reign published A Small Garland of Pious and Godly Songs for the Solace of his Friends and Neighbours in their Afflictions.] 233 339

Wadding, Peter, Rev., a Jesuit writer, was born in Waterford in 1580. He taught poetry, rhetoric, philosophy, and divinity for many years at Prague and Louvain; and was Chancellor successively of the Universities of Prague and Gratz. He wrote Tractatus de Incarnatione Domini, a refutation of calumnies against the Jesuits, and other works. He died at Gratz, 13th September 1644, aged about 64. 339

Wakefield, Edward, an Englishman (born in 1768; died at Knightsbridge, 18th May 1854, aged 86), is worthy of note as the author of a valuable work relating to Ireland—Ireland, Statistical and Political, 2 vols., 4to, London, 181 2. McCullagh styles it "the best and most complete work that has appeared on Ireland since the publication of Young's Tour; whilst Sir James Mackintosh says: "His manner is that of the Tours of Arthur Young — lively, dogmatical, and disorderly." 7 16

Walker, George, Bishop designate of Derry, Governor of Londonderry during the siege, was born in the County of Tyrone in 1618. [His father, George Walker, D.D., was Chancellor of Armagh Cathedral and, as such, rector of Kilmore.] The single fact known of his early life is that he was educated at the University of Glasgow. On 16th July 1669 he made the requisite subscription to the Act of Uniformity at Armagh, on his appointment as rector of the parishes of Lissan and Desertlyn. Before this he had married Isabella Maxwell of Finnebrogue. In 1674 he received the additional cure of the parish of Donaghmore. Pending the rebuilding of the church and glebe-house of this parish, he resided at Dungannon. Local tradition assigns to Walker the erection of a cornmill in Donaghmore, over the door of which the initials of himself and wife—"G. W. I. 1684"—are inscribed. In the autumn and winter of 1688 the Protestants of the north took up arms in the interest of William of Orange, as opposed to James II. and his Viceroy Tirconnell. On 18th (o.s.) December 1688 the apprentices of Londonderry shut the city gates in the face of Tirconnell's army. Walker, although in his seventy-first year, raised a regiment at his own charge, and applied "what interest he could make towards the preservation" of Dungannon; besides immediately opening communications with Londonderry. The garrison of Dungannon made more than one successful sally against the bodies of Jacobites that occupied the surrounding country, and the place would probably have been able to hold out, but that on the 14th March, Limdy, governor of Londonderry, directed that it should be evacuated. The order was obeyed with reluctance, and the garrison, with many of the inhabitants, retired towards Londonderry and Coleraine, allowing a large supply of provisions to fall into the enemy's hands. Five companies under the command of Walker were quartered at Rash, near Omagh, whence, a fortnight after, they were removed to St. Johnstown, five miles from Londonderry. On 13th April, Walker hastened into town with the news of the approach of a large force under James II. in person. Governor Lundy advanced against the enemy and retreated, then entered into private negotiations with them, and also, it is said, persuaded the officers in command of a relieving fleet in Lough Foyle, to return to England. He then declared the defence hopeless, and the inhabitants, disgusted at his pusillanimity, deposed him from the governorship, and permitted him to leave the town secretly. On the 19th April, Walker and Major Baker were appointed joint governors, a messenger was sent to London for assistance, and the memorable siege may be said to have regularly commenced. The fortifications were in a miserable condition; the place was badly provisioned, and ill supplied with artillery and munitions of war. The garrison consisted of 7,369 men, encumbered, besides the inhabitants of the place, with numerous fugitives from the surrounding