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Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/615

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 34* Biography, Dictionary of American: Rev. W. Allen. Boston, 1857.
 34† Biographie Universelle. 85 vols. Paris, 1811–'62.
 35 Biographical Dictionary: John Cassell. London, N. D.
 36 Biographical Dictionary: William R. Cates. London, 1867.
 37 Biographical Dictionary: Alexander Chalmers. 32 vols. London, 1812–'17.
 37* Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876.
 37† Biographical Dictionary: Lippincott. New York.
 38 Biographical Dictionary: John Gorton. 3 vols. London, 1833.
 39 Biographical Dictionary, Imperial: Edited by John F. Waller. 3 vols. London, N. D.
 40 Biographical Division of English Cyclopædia, with Supplement: Charles Knight. 7 vols. London, 1856–'72.
 40* Biographical Dictionary—Lossing's Field-book of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 1852.
 40† Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States: Washington, 1876.
 41 Biographical Treasury: Samuel Maunder. London, 1870.
 41† Biography, Hayden's Universal Index of. Edited by J. B. Payne. London, 1870.
 42 Biographical Dictionary: Rev. Hugh J. Rose. 12 vols. London, 1850.
 42* Biography, Christian Brothers' Handbook of. Dublin, 1872. (Pamphlet.) See also No. 78*.
 42‡ Biografico (Diccionario Universal): Don Juan Sala. Madrid, 1862.
 43 Blackburne, Right Hon. Francis, Life: Edward Blackburne. London, 1874.
 44 Blessington, Countess of, Life and Correspondence: Richard R. Madden, M.D. 3 vols. London, 1855.
 44* Bonnell, James, Life: Rev. William Hamilton. London, 1807.
 45 Book of Armagh, Memoir of the: Rev. William Reeves, D.D. Lusk, 1861. See also No. 11†.
 46 Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson; with Notes and Illustrations: Edward Malone. London, 1848.
 46† Botany, Historical and Biographical Sketches of, in England. Richard Pulteney, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1790.
 46‡ Boulter, Hugh, Archbishop of Armagh, Letters. 2 vols. Dublin, 1770.
 47 Boyle, Memoirs of the Illustrious Family of. Dublin, 1755.
 47* Boyle, State Letters of Roger, Earl of Orrery, with his Life: Rev. Thomas Morrice. Dublin, 1743.
 48 British Essayists: Edited by A. Chalmers. London, 1823.
 48* British Biography: S. O. Beeton. 2 vols. London, N  D.
 48† British Museum, Lives of Founders of: Edward Edwards. 2 vols. London, 1870.
 49 Brooke, Henry, Memoir, prefixed to Fool of Quality: Edited by Rev. Charles Kingsley. 2 vols. London, 1859.
 50 Brooke, Charlotte: Reliques of Irish Poetry. Dublin, 1789.
 50* Buckle, Henry Thomas: Introduction to the History of Civilization in England. 2 vols. London, 1857.
 51 Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G.: Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols. London, 1852–'54.
 52 Burke, Sir Bernard: Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages. London, 1866.
 52† Burke, Sir Bernard: Family Romance. London, 1855.
 53 Burke, Sir Bernard: Landed Gentry. 2 vols. London, 1871.
 54 Burke, Sir Bernard: Peerage and Baronetage.
 55 Burke, Sir Bernard: Rise of Great Families. London, 1872.
 56 Burke, Sir Bernard: Romance of the Aristocracy. 3 vols. London, 1855.
 57 Burke, Sir Bernard: Vicissitudes of Families. 2 vols. London, 1869.
 58 Burke, Sir Bernard: Visitation of Seats and Arms. 2 vols. London, 1855.
 59 Burke, Edmund, a Historical Study: John Morley, B.A. London, 1867.
 60 Burke, Edmund, a Lecture: Sir Joseph Napier. Dublin, 1867.
 61 Burke, Edmund, Memoir: James Prior. London, 1824.
 62 Burke, Robert O'Hara, and the Australian Exploring Expedition of 1860: Andrew Jackson. London, 1862.
 62* Burnet, Bishop: History of his own Time. 6 vols. Oxford, 1833.
 63 Burrowes, Peter, Select Speeches, and Memoir: W. Burrowes. Dublin, 1850.
 64 Butlers, Some Account of the Family of. London, 1716.
 64* Butler, Very Rev. Richard: Memoir by his Widow. N. P. 1863.
 65 Byrne, Myles: Autobiography. 3 vols. Paris, 1863.
 66 Calamities and Quarrels of Authors: Isaac Disraeli. London, 1859. See also No. 103*.
 66* Cambrensis Eversus, Edited with Translation and notes by Rev. Matthew Kelly. 3 vols. Dublin, 1848–'52.
 67 Canning, Right Hon. George: Memoir and Speeches, R. Therry. 6 vols. London, 1836.
 68 Capel, Letters of Arthur, Earl of Essex, with Historical Account of his Life. Dublin, 1770.
 69 Carew Manuscripts, Calendar. 4 vols. London, 1869–'73.
 70 Carew, Sir Peter, Life and Times of: John Maclean. London, 1857. Carte, Thomas A., see No. 271.
 71 Castlehaven, Earl of, Memoirs. Waterford, 1753.
 72 Castlereagh, Viscount: Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by the Marquis of Londonderry. 12 vols. London, 1848–'53.
 72† Castlereagh, Lives of Lord, and Sir Charles Stewart: Sir Archibald Alison. 3 vols. London, 1861. See also No. 216*.
 73 Catholic Association of Ireland: Thomas Wyse. 2 vols. London, 1829.
 73* Said reference does not exist, possible error in reference to Authorities. (Wikisource contributor note)