Page:A Comprehensive History of India Vol 1.djvu/20

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(Jfiicral View of Amboyiia 242

Tlic I'owii and Volcano of Tematc, in 1005, . 2415 Java Junk, circa 1000, ..... 240 M cell a, from the Nortli, . . .251

View of Pointdc-Galle, . . . .253

Tomb of the Krnpcror Jchangir at Laliore, . 2.07 Anns of East India Company, circ. lCOO-50, 250 Castle of AinboyiKi, . . . . • 201

General View of iMasulipatam, . . . 200

Seal used by Sir William Courteen's Association, 209 Gateway to the Fort of Agra, . . . 282

Huins of Old Delhi 284

Interior of the Tiije Mahal at Agra, . . 28y

Tomb of Emperor Shah Jehan in the Taje Mahal, 290 Sevajce, Founder of the Mahratta Empire, on

Horseback, with Attendants, . . . 294 Wagnuck, or Tiger's Claws, .... 295 Tower of Victory, Chittoor, . . , 300

Tombs of the Kings, Golconda, . . . 304 Aurungzebe's Burial-place at Rozah, . . 308

View of the Island of St. Helena, . , .310

Map of Bombay and the Adjacent Coast, . 314

General View of Surat, . . . .317

The English Fort, Bombay, circa 1672, . . 325 Bird's-eye View of Trincomalee, . . 327

General View of Canton, .... 335 Fort of Eaje Ghur, Gingee, .... 338 Patna, on the Ganges, ..... 343 Street of the Fountains, Bejapoor, . . . 347 The Old Eait India House, circa a.d. 1650, , 352 Portrait of Thomas Osborne, first Duke of Leeds, 364 View of Gombroon, or Bender- Abbaz, a.d. 1676 379 Portrait of Sidney, first Earl of (iodolphin, . 380 Garool.uh, a Boat of the Persian Gulf, . . 381 Rajpoots on i'oot and on Horseback, . . 380 Mahrattas on Horseback, .... 390 Jhalledar — Palanquin used by Rajahs, . . 393 View of Boorhanpoor, in the Deccan, . . 395 View of Joodpoor, ..... 395

Portrait of Nadir Shah, Emperor of Persia, . 398

View at Sattarah, 401

Dooranees — Afghans Mounted and on Foot, . 405 Portrait of Labourdounais, .... 409

Eort St. George, Madras, a.d. 1754, . . 415 Peons of ^Mysore, ...... 421

Portrait of Major-General Stringer Lawrence, . 423 Portrait of Robert, Lord Clive, . . .440 The Hill-fort of Amboor, in ^lysore, . 444

Plan of the Fort of Gingee, , . . .446 Caparisoned Elephant with Howdah, . .451 View in the Fort of Madura, . . . 455

Itock und Temple of Tricbioopo^j, . 45'j

Pagoda at Conjcverarii, . , . . . 402

A I'olyger coinpletely Armed, . , 472

Gateway of Pagoda at Scringham, . . . 4*9 View of Aurungabad, ..... 481 View of the Fort of ( hiiij;lcput, . . . 485

.Map of the Environs of Trichiooiwly, . . 489

riie Gnat Pagoda, Tanjore, .... 500 The Fort of Dowjelabad, . . . .503

A Grab— a Vessel of Bombay, . ,510

Mackerey, or Ballot k Cart of Bengal, . .5)8 The Jumma Musjid at Cuttack, . . . 523 Najar Nultoo Sing's Mh'jot at Dacca, on the

Ganges, 531

Ruins of the Rajah's Palace, Rajmahal, on the

Ganges 535

.Map of the Territorj- of Calcutta, A.D. 1757, . 538 View of F'ort William, Calcutta, a.d. 1754, . 543 Monument to those who perished in the Black

Hole, Calcutta, ..... 545

Portrait of Admiral Watson, .... 54S Ghaut at Mocrshedabad, on the Ganges, . . 574 Ghaut at Cutwah, on the Ganges, . . . 576 Portrait of Lieutenant-General Sir Eyre Coote, 577 Gateway at Rajmahal, on the Ganges, . . 587 The Fort of Monghir, on the Gauges, . .589 Portrait of Thomas Arthur, Co.rite de Lally, . 596 Plan of Fort St. Dadd, near Cuddalore, . . 598 View of Mount St. Thome, near Madras, . 606

View of the Black Town, Madras, . . . 607 Peer Musjid, and Hill near the Dolphins, Viza-

gapatam, . . . . . . .611

Plan of the Fort of Masulipatam, a.d. 1759, . 014 Portrait of Admiral Sir George Pococke, . . 619 Plan of the Fort of Waudiwash iu 1759, . . 022 View of Conjeveram, near the Great Pagoda, . 625 Sepoys of the Bengal Army, . . . .631

Plau of Pondicherrj' and its Environs, a.d. 1760, 639 Masula Boat of the Coromandel Coast, . . 644 The Chouk and Husseinee Delauu at Dacca, . 047 Part of the City of Moorshedabad, . . . 649 Feal Charra, or Elepliaut's-head State Boat, . 054 Moor Puukee, or Peacock's-head Pleasure Boat, C54 Wolacks — Grain Boats of Calcutta, . . . 602 View of Chinsurah, on the Hooghly, . . 663

Portrait of the Emperor Shah Alum, . .671 Fort of Chunarghur, near Benares, . . .681

The Palace, Allahabad, 692

Portrait of Sujah Dowlah, .... 693 Fort of Allahabad, ..... 702

Patile — Boat of the Ganges, .... 707