Page:A Comprehensive History of India Vol 1.djvu/271

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fii"st repaire of our merchauuts unto your countrie, resortinge thether in i)eaceable traftique, a d igoo. and shall entertaiue this their first voiage, as an iutroducion to a further contiuewaunee of friendshippe betvveeiie your majestie and us, for oomniorce and intercourse betweene your subjects and ours, wee have geaven order to this, our principall merchaunt (yf your niajestie shall be j^leased therwith) to leave in your countrie some such of our said merchaunts as he shall make choice of, to reside in your domminons, under your j)rincelie and safe proteciou, untill the retourne of another fleete, which wee shall send unto you, who may, in the meane tyme, learne the language of your countrie, and apjilie their behavior, as it may best sorte, to converse with your majestie's subjects, to the end that amitie and friendshii)p beinge entertayned and begun, the same may the better be continewed, when our people shall be instructed how to direct themselves accordinge to the fashions of your countrie.

" And becawse, in the consideraciou of the enterteyninge of amytie and friendshipp, and in the establishinge of an intercoui-se to be continewed betweene us, ther may be required, on your majestie's behaulfe, such promise or capitulacions to be ])erformed by us, which wee cannot, in theise our lettres, take knowledge of, wee therefore pray your niajestie to geave eare tlierein unto this bearer, and to geave liim creditt, in whatsoever he shall promise or undertake in our name, concerniiige our aniitye and eiitercourse, which jiromise, wee (for our parte), in the word of a prince, will see performed, and wilbe readie gratefullie to requite anie love, kindness, or favour, that our said subjects shall receive at your majestie's handes ; Itrayinge your niajestie that, for our better satisfaciou of your kinde acceptauuce of this our i)ve and amytie offered your highenes, you would, by this bearer, give te.stymonie thereof, by your iiriiicelie lettres, directed unto us, in which wee shall receive very great contente- nient. And thus," &c.

.Manche of Caucut,

A boat U9<->I on ttu' M t.:vl>ar c^&st, having a tlat bottom, renderinit it suitable for croii:ng tlip biri at thf mouths of rlvi-rs.