Page:A Comprehensive History of India Vol 1.djvu/413

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Of the same date as the indenture tripartite, another was executed under the name of " Quinque-partite Indenture of Conveyance of the Dead Stock of the two East India Companies." The inventory which it gives of this stock is of some interest, in so far at least as relates to the original Company, as it not only furnishes the names, but also indicates the extent of the acc^uisitions which it had made in the East during the 100 years of its existence. The various places and subjects conveyed, in terms of the above agi'eement, at the valuation of £'330,000, are enumerated as follows: — "The ports and islands of Bombay and St. Helena, with all their rights, profits, territories, and a})pin-tenances what- soever. Under the pre- sidency of the aforesaid island Bombay, the fac- tories of Surat, Swall}^, and Broach, and the factories of Amadavad, Agra, and Lucknow (in which three last places the Company have only houses and buildintjs and some other conve- niences remaining, but

A U. ITin

Position of theoMCtini- puny at the time of the anialgania- tiun.

G0MBR(K)N, OR BENDER ABBAZ. — Stnijs, Voyages ell iloBcovie. Tartarie,

they have at present no " "'""■ "'■ '"*'■

factors that reside there). On the coast of Malabar, the forts of Carwar, Tellicherry, and Anjengo, and the fectory of Calicut. In Persia, the factories of Gombroon, Shiraz, and Ispahan, and the yeai-ly rent, pension, or sum of 1000 tomands, amounting to the yearly sum of £3333, 6s. 8(/. English mone', gi-anted by the Sophy of Persia to the said governor and Company. On the coast of Choromandel, Chinghee and Orixa, Fort St. George, with the castle and fortifica- tions, and territory thereto belonging, upon which a large city is built, consisting

of houses, which are held of and pay rent to the said governor and Comjiany,

together with the said city and its dependencies ; and also all that fort called Fort St. David (being a strong fort and factory), and about three miles compass of the cu'cumjacent country, upon which several small towns or villages ai-e erected; the Victories of Cuddalore, Porto-Novo, Pettipolee, Melchlepatam (Masulipatam), and MadapoUam, and the fort and fiictory of Vizagapatam. On the island of Sumatra, the settlement of York Fort at Bencoolen, and the fac- tory there, with a territory of about five miles thereto belonging, and the factory at Indrapore; also the factories of Tr^-aming and Sillebar, and some other out-pagars or factories dejiending on tlio factory of Bencoolen. In Cochin- China, the factoiy of Tonquin, in tlu' kingdom of Bengal ; the Fort William and the fictory of Chuttanuttee, with a large territory thereto belonging ; the fiictories of Balasore. Cossimbuzar, Dacca, Hooghly, Moulda. Rajahmaul, and

Eiiumera- tioii of factories.