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Eells, Myron. Memorial of Mrs. Mary R. Walker. 120p. n. p. n. pub. n. d.

Sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Walker, Forest Grove, Dec. 7, 1877. References to the Whitman station and massacre.

Eells, Myron. Marcus Whitman, M. D.; proofs of his work in saving Oregon to the U. S. and in promoting the immigration of 1843. 34P- Portland. Himes. 1883.

Eells was one of the ablest defenders of the saved Oregon story. This pamphlet contains copies of many letters written to him in corroboration of his views.

Eells, Myron. Reply " to Professor Bourne's "The Whitman legend." 122p. Walla Walla. Statesman Pub. Co. 1902. Reprint from Whitman College Quarterly, v. 4, no. 3.

Encyclopedia Britannica. 25V. N. Y. Scribners. 1884. v. 17, p. 825.

Article by G. H. Atkinson. Gives Whitman credit of at least attempting to save Oregon. Says his ride of 1842-43 was made to remove the bar on immigration.

Evans, Elwood. Washington Territory; address delivered at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Sept. 1876. Olympia (Wash.). Bagley. 1877. p. 12-14. Whitman massacre attributed to "Indian jealousy, superstition and hate."

Evans, Elwood, editor. History of the Pacific Northwest. 2v. Portland. North Pacific History Co. 1889. v. 1, p. 199-207, v. 2, p. 629-630, and elsewhere.

Takes a conservative view of Whitman's political influence.

Fagan, David D. History of Benton County, Oregon. Portland. Walling. 1885. p. 127-163.

Condemns Gray's "fiction" in regard to Whitman.

Farnham, Charles H. History of the descendants of John Whitman, of Weymouth, Mass. New Haven. 1889. p. 237-239.

Perrin B. Whitman's version of the saved Oregon story.

Farnham, Thomas J. Travels in the great western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains. 2v. Lond. Bentley. 1843. v. 2, p. 131-149-

Farnham arrived at the mission Sept. 23, 1839, and remained about one week. He tells about the farm, the mill, and the mission work. One of the best contemporaneous accounts. Contained also in the Tribune edition of the same book. N. Y. Greeley & McElrath. 1843. P- 79-83-