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Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of American history. Bost. Ginn. 1902. p. 263-265.

Credits Whitman with perhaps saving Oregon. Says he went East with a double purpose.

Morris, Charles. Primary history of the United States. Phil. Lippincott. C1899. p. 210-215.

The English boast. Whitman in saddle in a day's time. How Whitman and consequently the whole Oregon country was saved to the Union by the instinct of a mule.

Mowry, William A[ugustus]. Marcus Whitman and the early days of Oregon. N. Y. Silver. 1901.

Attempts to retain so far as possible the saved Oregon story. Some valuable documents are printed.

Mowry William A[ugustus]. Territorial growth of the United States. N. Y. Silver. 1902. p. 161.

Brief statement of Whitman's services to the U. S.

Mowry, William Afugustus], and Arthur May. American heroes and heroism. N. Y. Silver. 1903. p. 176-180. Father Eells and Whitman College. Massacre, p. 176.

Mowry, William A[ugustus], and Afrthur] M [ay]. First steps in the history of our country. N. Y. Silver. 1900. p. 228234.

Mowry, William A[ugustus], and Blanche S. American pioneers. N. Y. Silver. 1905. p. 201-202. Story of Lovejoy, his arrival at the Whitman station, and his return to the East with Whitman on the famous ride.

Nixon, Oliver W. How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon. Chic. Star Pub. Co. C1895. Dramatic.

Nixon, Oliver W. Whitman's ride through savage lands, n. p. Winona Pub. Co. 1905. Saved Oregon story. Much attention to the Macedonian cry.

Pacific Railway Report, see U. S. Congress 36-1, House Executive Document, no. 56. Palladino, L. B. Indian and white in the Northwest. Balti-

more. Murphy. 1894. p. 9-18. Flathead delegation to St. Louis in 1831. Says the Flatheads insisted on having Catholic missionaries. Refers to Whitman and Spalding.

Parker, Henry W. How Oregon was saved to the United States, or facts about Marcus Whitman, n. pub. 1901. iop. Same in Homiletic Review, July, 1901.

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