lös fruitless, magteslös, krafteslös powerless, stundeslös fidgety, trösteslös disconsolate). The genitive is especially frequently used when the first part of the composition is itself a compound word: Kirketaarnsur a church steeple clock (but Taarnur a tower clock): Sandstensmur a sand stone wall (but Stenmur a stone wall). Such possessives may sometimes be found as first part of a composition even if there is no corresponding nominative; Ex.: Fralandsvind a land breeze (Vinden staar fra Land the breeze sets from land).
Note: Neither possessive nor af is used to connect a name of material to a name of measure: el Glas Öl a glass of beer, en floske Vin a bottle of wine, en Tönde Poteter a barrel of potatoes etc.
165. Remains of an old gen. plur. are found in a great many compound words the first part of which ends in e (O. N. a). Sengested bedstead, Stoleben chair's leg, Barneaar years of childhood (Börnebal childrens ball, Börnehave kindergarten are exclusively Danish, in N. they say — or are taught to say — Barnebal, Barnehave).
166. Remains of an old dative is found in the adverbial phrases: ad Aare next year, itide in due time, ilive alive, paafærde abroad, at work, igjære in progress, etc.
167. The plural is formed in the following manners:
I) by adding r or er to the singular, with or without “mutation” (see § 149).
II) by adding e to the singular, in a few cases with “mutation.”
III) the plural has the same form as the singular, except that in a few cases the vowel is changed by “mutation”.