Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/100

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rinciples of our excellent Constitution of State, had ever, before that time, presumed to advance any Doctrine, which might tend to deprive our Irish Brethren of their natural freedom, and of the inestimable benefits of that happy legal constitution, which British Subjects in general are commonly supposed to inherit by Birth- right!

But I have since had the mortification to find, that such great Authorities as Lord Coke, Judge Jenkins, Lord Chief Justice Vaughan, Judge Blackstone, the Honourable Mr. Justice Barrington, &c. might be quoted in favour of a contrary Doctrine! And as I have mentioned the Union between Great-Britain and Ireland in the First Part of this Declaration, &c. as an Example of the true constitutional mode of connecting British Dominions that are otherwise separated by nature," I thought myself, therefore, obliged to search