Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/11

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THE following "Declaration of the People's natural Right to a Share in the Legislature" is founded on Principles, which are certainly unquestionable, and cannot easily be controverted; but I was not aware, I acknowledge, [1] when I sent the same to the Press, that there had ever been any Controversy before the 6th of King George I. concerning the Freedom of our fellow-subjects in Ireland, or that any Englishman, acquainted with the principles of our excellent Constitution of State, had ever, before that time, presumed to advance any doctrine which might tend to deprive our Irish Brethrenof

  1. I freely acknowledge my deficiency in historical as well as most other branches of Learning which require much reading and leisure to be obtained‭; ‬but though this affords an argument against my own‭ ‬personal credit and abilities, in general, as a writer,‭ ‬yet it does not at all affect any particular point,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬in my several tracts,‭ ‬I have laboured to maintain‭; ‬for,‭ ‬upon these,‭ ‬a candid Reader will determine according to the evidence produced,‭ ‬and not by the general character‭ ‬or demerit of the Author in other respects.‭