Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/124

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danger, I apprehend, be allowed the powers of an effectual Legislature to bind Ireland, provided the respective branches of Irish Representation be preserved entire and distinct; for the English Privy-Council could have no legal voice in such a case, except that of advising the assent or dissent of the Sovereign; and yet, whenever it was necessary to call a distinct Irish Parliament in England, it is not improbable, but that they might be summoned to meet the King in his Privy-Council by way of distinguishing their separate Assembly from the joint-meeting of the English and Irish Parliaments before-mentioned, And that such distinct Irish Parliaments have sometimes been held in England appears by a record cited by Mr. Mollyneux (17), wherein mention is made of Statutes