Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/171

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Law, in the time of Henry the Seventh, all precedent" (34) English Statutes are made to bind in Ireland.” And he remarks thereupon, in a note, that "subsequent Statutes only bind if Ireland is mentioned; as for Wales,” (continues he,) "all Statutes are now made to extend to it, whether mentioned or not, by a "clause inserted in the middle of 20 Geo. II. cap. xlii." &c. But the true reason why this doctrine may be applied to Wales with propriety and injustice, (and yet not to Ireland without injustice; is because the Welchmen give their assent to the English Laws by their Representatives in the English Parliament, whereas the assent of the Irish, which is equally essential,