Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/230

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without leaving room for pleading a legal exception, in behalf of those territories wherein the laws, liberties, and Constitution, of the Realm of England were already established, the said Judges ought to have known that “a fundamental Law of this Realm” was thereby “altered,” and consequently that they incurred the risk of being ARRAIGNED, by some future administration, (like their time-serving predecessors,) for presuming to enforce such unconstitutional Acts of Parliament, by which, (according to the just Remark of the same great Reporter on a former Act, viz. 1 1 H.7.) “a fundamental Law of the Realm (was) altered;” whereas, they really might have attributed a constitutional meaning to the said Acts, by duly distinguishing those (56) particu-