Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/239

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The Judges, in the 33d year of Queen Elizabeth, who gave their opinion in the case of Orurk, (57) the Irishman, are the more inexcusable, for their Resolution upon the Act of 33 Hen. VIII. c23. because they had an excellent Example set them, but a few years before that time, by two very learned and respectable brethren, the Judges Wray and Dyer, (together with the said Queen's Attorney-General,) concerning several similar Acts of Parliament; which Example is worthy the most serious attention of all future Judges, that they may ever be careful to restrain, by a legal construction, not only the said Acts of King Henry VIII. and King Edward VI.