Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/243

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every other person, his parallel Right to a legal impartial Trial by a Jury of honest unexceptionable NEIGHBOURS: (61) for a Trial can neither be esteemed legal or inpartial, if the Jury are not impannelled in THE NEIGHBOURHOOD where the offence was committed; (62) unless we may except the single case beforementioned, concerning treasonable practices against this Kingdom, carried on by a British Subject in the dominion of a foreign prince, where the Crown of England hath no jurisdiction: but, in all other cases whatsoever, the Trial by a Jury of Neighbours to the Fact is the unalienable Right of all British Subjects, according to the ancient Law of the Land: nay, this