Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/245

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this peculiar sense: “Nec super eum imibus, nec super eum mittemus, nifi per legale judicium parium suorum, vel PER LEGEM TERRAE.” Lord Coke refers us, “for the true sense and exposition of these words,” to “the statue of 37 Ed. III. Cap. 8.” (meaning chapter the 18th.) “where the words, by the Law of the Land,” (says he,) “are rendered, without due process of law,” &c. which he farther explains, towards the end of the same sentence. — “That is," (says he,) “by indictment or presentment of good and lawful men, WHERE SUCH DEEDS BE DONE, in due manner, or by Writ-Original of the Common Law.”

These last are the express words of another Act of Edw III. (viz. 25 E. III. c. 4. )(