Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/248

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if he will only take the trouble, for a moment, to suppose himself in such a situation, (through the false accusations of his enemies,) that nothing but an impartial Trial, by a Jury of Neighbours, well acquainted with him and his case, and the malignity of his accusers, can possibly save him from destruction! And farther, it is apparent, that the said “due Process of the Law,” by a Jury de vicineto, is now become an unalterable part of the Constitution, and must ever remain in force, not only against all contrary Resolutions and Opinions of the Judges, (such as I have mentioned,) but even against the express authority of any Act of parliament that happens (inadvertently) to have been made to the contrary, Because all such must necessarily “BE HOLDEN FOR NONE," according to the 42. Ed. IIIc. 1. which is cited