Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/274

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really diametrically opposite to some of the most essential foundations of Law, and is apparently subversive of one of the first principles of the British Constitution! so that it will be needless for me to take notice of any thing that has been said to the same purpose by inferior Writers, or by the Editors or Collectors of Law Dictionaries, &c. who have only quoted these great authorities, which I have already demonstrated to be erroneous; and I may therefore, I hope, be now allowed to repeat, with double satisfaction and certainty, what I before asserted only upon general Principles in the first Part of this Declaration, viz. That “the true constitutional mode of connecting British Dominions, that are otherwise separated by Nature, is demonstrated by the established example of the union of Great Britain and Ireland, which by long experience has proved to be sufficiently effectual,” p. 21.

But, notwithstanding