Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/291

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of my own opinion; but, whereever I have ventured, to dissent from the opinions of these approved writers, I have assigned plain reasons for it, or other proper authorities, and I desire to be trusted no farther than these plain reasons and authorities will fairly warrant. I hope I may be permitted to use the same apology for pointing out mistakes in the opinions of these very learned writers which the Hon, Mr, Justice Bar rington has applied particularly to the Institutes and Reports of Sir Edward Coke; which “being” (says he) “the best Law-Chart, and implicitly trusted to, it is proper to take notice of every shoal and rock misplaced, though perhaps not in the proper track of navigation,” p 91.


“LEX plus laudatur quando Ratione probatur,” Co. Lit. Epil.