Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/30

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an oath should be obtained to confirm the unjust “Power of the Exactor,” it will not encreate his Right; for the Baron's own doctrine (again in another part of his book) affords a sufficient answer to annul every pretence of Obligation on account of “oaths extorted by unjust Fear[1].”

Thus the maxim concerning the necessity of Assent, for which I contend, is sufficiently proved to be a Law of Nature even by the learned Baron's own arguments, and I desire no better.

In consequence of the Baron's general misconception[2], concerning the nec-cessity

    what the other person loses by such forced bargain,‭ ‬the necessity of Reparation,‭ ‬in the party who offered‭ ‬the violence,‭ ‬takes of all Obligation to payment‭ ‬in the party who suffered it,‭ &‬c.‭" ‬Book‭ ‬3.‭ ‬c.‭ ‬6.‭ §‬.‭ ‬11.‭ ‬p.‭ ‬225.‭

  1. “‬But what are we to think of oaths extorted‭ ‬by unjust Fear? Surely the Person who,‭ ‬by means of‭ this ‬Fear,‭ ‬procured a promise upon oath,‭ ‬is no less‭ ‬obliged to release the promise,‭ ‬thus violently obtained,‭ ‬than if no oath had been added to confirm it.‭ ‬Therefore there appears no reason,‭ ‬why Compensation‭ s‬hould‭ ‬not be admitted in this cafe,‭ ‬in opposition to the‭ ‬Claim of the injurious Party‭; ‬according to the rules‭ ‬laid down by us‭" (s‬ays he‭) “‬when we treated of‭ ‬the general subject of Fear."‭ ‬Book‭ ‬4.‭ ‬c.‭ ‬2.‭ §‬.‭ ‬8.‭ ‬p.‭ ‬272.‭
  2. I have spent the more time in warning my Readers against the Errors of this celebrated Civilian,‭