Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/329

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Tracts by the same Author.

Printed for B. WHITE, at Horace's-Head,

I.A Short Treatise on the English Tongue. Being an Attempt to render the Reading and Pronunciation of the same more easy to Foreigners. 1767.

II. Remarks on several very important Prophecies, first Edition, in 1768, (second Edition, 1775.)

This Book contains, 1st. Remarks on the Prophecy of Isaiah vii, 13-16 — That a Virgin should conceive and bear a son. 2dly, Remarks on the Nature and Style of prophetical Writings, 3dly, Remarks on the Accomplishment of Isaiah's Prophecy, (vii. 8.) “Within threescore and five Years shall Epbraim be broken, that it be not a People.” 4thly, On the Departure of the Sceptre and. Lawgiver from Judah. 5thly, A Confirmation of the above Remarks by farther Examples drawn from the Prophets, &c.

III. A Representation of the Injustice and dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery; or of admitting the least Claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men In England. Being an Answer to an Opinion, given in the Year 1729, by the (then) Attorney General and Solicitor General, concerning the Case of Slaves in Great-Britain. 1769.

This Tract contains many Examples of the monstrous Iniquity and Injustice of the Plantation Laws respecting Slaves; as also some Account of the gradual Abolition of the ancient English Slavery called Villenage, which was at length happily effected by the Wisdom and Perseverance of the English Courts of Common Law.

IV. Remarks concerning the Encroachments on the River Thames near Durham-Yard. 1771.
