Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/34

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[ xxiv ]

must be sensible that we stand self-condemned by Conscience (which is only another name for “the knowledge of Good. and Evil”) whenever we offend against the moral Laws of God, by which our Agreement and Assent to the justice of them are sufficiently implied and acknowledged [1]: And, with respect to what the Baron has likewise insinuated concerning the want of human agreement to the “divine positive Laws,” the direct contrary thereto is clearly demonstrated (as I have before hinted) by the remarkable examples of two incontestable legal Covenants between God and Man, the Old and New Testaments, those two original written Charters or Grants of perfect Liberty; the one containing the Promises, and the other, the Accomplishment of our glorious Freedom; which we are bound to maintain and defend to the last moment of our lives!

The mention that has already been made of these two unquestionable monuments of the free State and Condition, to which the Almighty has been pleased toinvite

  1. I have traced this subject more at large‭ in ‬a‭ s‬eparate Tract on‭ “the Law of Nature and Principles of Action in Man” ‬intended also for the Press.