Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/38

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[ xxviii ]

And he hath accordingly instituted by his Son (the eternal Word, in whom “dwelleth all the fulness of the GOD-HEAD bodily,” Col. ii. 9) not only a Form for the admission of new Members or Parties to his free Covenant, but also ordained a solemn rite for the renewal and acknowledgement of the said Covenant from time to time at his holy Table, from which the Subjects of his Kingdom cannot safely abstain without seeming to deny that allegiance and homage which they indispensably owe to their eternal Sovereign!

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    such shall‭ “Come with him to judge the world (e)!” ‬Now as the‭ eternal ‬dignity,‭ ‬to which human nature is invited,‭ ‬is so great and glorious,‭ ‬can we suppose that God has not some regard also for the temporal Rights of his highly-favoured creature,‭ ‬Man‭? ‬How,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬can any particular Man,‭ ‬or body of Men,‭ ‬presume to set up their own WILL for LAW,‭ ‬and thereby deprive their Brethren of that Right, which,‭ ‬of all others,‭ ‬is most essential to reasonable beings,‭ ‬I mean the Right of Assent‭? ‬Let those men,‭ ‬who thus inconsiderately venture to affront the dignity of mankind,‭ ‬by withholding from them their temporal Rights,‭ (viz. ‬Choice,‭ ‬Freewill, and the due exercise of that Reason which God has given them,‭) ‬beware left they themselves should thereby forfeit their own eternal privileges‭ ! — “Know‭ ‬ye not that we shall judge Angels‭? — ‬how much more‭ ‬things that pertain to this Life?” 1 Cor.‭ ‬vi,‭ ‬3.

    ‭(a)— “That we might receive ‬the Adoption of sons,” (said the‭ ‬Apostle to the Galatians;‭) “and,‭ ‬because ye are sons,‭ ‬God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts,‭ ‬crying Abba,‭ ‬Father!” Gal.‭ ‬iv.‭ 5‬.‭ ‬6.

    ‭(b)— “‬Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,‭ ‬and that‭ ‬the Spirit of God dwelleth in you‭ ? ‬If any man defile the temple of‭ ‬God, him shall god destroy: for the Temple of God‭ is holy, ‬which temple ye are.” 1 Cor.‭ ‬iii.‭ 1‬6.‭ ‬17.‭ ‬See also‭ ‬2‭ ‬Cor.‭ ‬vi.‭ ‬16.‭

    ‭(c)— “‬That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs,‭ ‬and of the same body,‭ ‬and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel.” Eph.‭ ‬iii.‭ ‬6.

    ‭(d)— “If children,‭ ‬then heirs; heirs of God,‭ ‬and Joint ‬Heirs with Christ,‭” ‬Romans viii.‭ ‬17.

    (e)— ‬For‭ “the saints shall ‬judge‭ the world.” ‬1‭ ‬Cor,‭ ‬vi.‭ ‬2.