Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/68

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to part with." P. 26. And if a politic society has no just power to deliver up even its own preservation, it certainly has much less right to deliver up the necessary preservation of other societies of their brethren and friends (not represented among them) without their Consent: and all such attempts must necessarily be deemed void and ineffectual, because there is no necessity to obey, where there is no authority to ordain."(19) For as it so clearly appears, from what has been said, that Natural Equity does not permit even the inferior Property of lands, goods, chattels, or money, to be alienated without the consent or fault of the proprietors, much less can it permit the alienation, annulling, or changing, of our most valuable inheritance, the Law, without the due assent and consent of the heritors themselves,