Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/73

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any formal Assent to the said Act, the same must necessarily be considered as a

<ref follow="p22> The feparate intereds ot the 'two Kingdoms are fuffi- cientiy reftrained, with refpedl to each other, by oar excellent Conliitution ofiScate, which .requires //6^^ fent of the People ^ (that is, of thcfe which are concerned refpe£live]y,) to render any La<^v <i;alid zx^ hindijig uppn either nation ;, which, the fgre^ping argunieat^ demonftrate : and I hope the ingenious and fenfiWe author of the argument in defence of tli«Colonie«  (lately publilhed) will .'ackacwledg,^,. tha;.his has >H- lowed coo much, when he admits,- fn' page i 14, tHa't •^ the ^whole kingdom of Ireland is bomid by the Ads of the

    • fupreme LfgiJIature, &c." which do^iine leads him

afterwards to make a Uiilindion betxye^ii X;^^tipn ^^v^ Legillation. , j >o ,

And again, .the twq king4oais.^£9 fg ii.i'wly '^Ai^^tft hy the bands of 4lkgi.ancey Ip om Mea^, (53^ -i)4or>archyj ef limited po^w^r, that their interefts jp ail material ^^^ /#rW exigence? ^rt ,thereby rendered rri2itial^ sl,%% ^ their int^rn^l intereu, in the maini^pance of ^^tund snd confiitutional Lib£riy, in each kingdom jrefp^ftiveiy ^ b^aufe one of them cannot be deprived pi this, (a^ they are governed by the fcu2;i Head, J W'ithoijt h^itcQ- ing the delliru^ion of the oxhi^r. And this intim?^te connexion of mittual intereft in th" conftitutioji of flate, and in the reciprocal enjoyment of they?iw£' rea- fonabk common Lauu, (whereby each kingdom enjoys an Equality of privilege, aad natural freedom,) ren- ders tk« Union of the two ki-agdoans m£>re j"Ji and jt^uiudlty and, confeq^uently, moj^^e^ j^ife and durable ,
