Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/88

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This has firmly united the strength of the two islands; whereby reciprocal succour in time of need is insured to both. This established example of the true constitutional mode of connecting British Dominions, that are otherwise separated by Nature, will enable us, by comparison, to discern the illegality and injustice of Dr. ------'s five Propositions. The stately vine of British Dominion (if I may use that scriptural type) has providentially extended its luxuriant branches to the most distant parts of the earth! and will continue to spread and increase as long as justice and the Laws of Liberty are duly maintained by those who are entrusted with the administration of government; (unless the wickedness of individuals, manifested by the exercise of domestic Slavery and Oppression in the Colonies, and of political Corruption arid Venality at home, with the growing vices attending