Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/96

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provided the people be instructed in their rights; because all such undue conditions, as I have mentioned, are absolutely null and void themselves; for the law obliges us to construe them as if they had no other meaning than a legal Grant of lands “in free and common socage.” See the 4th section of the said Act. "And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, that all Tenures" (there is none excepted) “hereafter to be created by the King's Majefty, his heirs, or successors, Upon any Gifts or Grants of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments,of any Estate of inheritance at the common law, shall be in free and common Socage, and shall be adjudged to be in free and common Socage onely, and not by Knights Service,” &c.