Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/143

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[ 1ST ] The volume contains also the two preceding racts and a fourth treatise on the same subject LI. — lnshai Main al ZemjL Oct&vq.—-NastaUk. Forms of letters chiefly for the use of prince9 nd persons of high rank or for correspondence vith them— compiled by Mat/in al Zemji of Herat n a highly elaborate and polished style. IA.—Majmu al Insha. Quarto. — Shekesteh* A collection and compilation of letters on various subjects by Mohammed Amin. LIU. — Bdaj al Me&aya. Duodecimo* — Shekesteh. Letters on various subjects, forms of Petitions, &c. The same volume contains part of the Negaristan. LIV.— Kissa Firoz Shah. Octavo. Shekesteh* The story of Firoz Shah son of the King of Badakshan w ho sought a marvellous flower that was to cure a sick father. LV. — Kissu Saifal Maluk wet Bedia al Jemal. Octavo. — Nastalik. Story df the Pripce of Egypt in the reign of So-