Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/160

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VI. 1. Account of the Kasbah Ncdadatole village in the Btlore Circar. 2. Account of Volar village in the Rachore district. 3. Account of Jdokarra Gudem village in the £/* lore Circar. 4. Account of China Terapatti village in the ditto ditto. 5. Account of Dondapad village in the Ellore Circar. 6. Account of Gokenapalli' village in the ditto ditto. 7. Account of Kasbah Ambdru Pettah village in the ditto ditto. 8. Account of Sixdru Sorabhapuram Village in the ditto ditto. 9. Account of Skdru Gopiguntah village in the ditto ditto. 10. Account of Chintalapudi village in the ditto ditto. 11. Accounts of Vetam lidgapalli and JangalapaU li village in the Ellore Circar. 12. Account* of Mulukahre and Settapdlli village in the ditio ditto. 13. -Chronological Account of the Hastinavur Rajas in different ages, and, the duration of the four Aires. 14. Arcouut-of the holy place of Akarapalli together with an account of the Hills in the Ellore Circar. 15. Accounts of the cultivation of* some villages in the Venakonda Perganna. VII. 1. Account of Bender Machlipatnam in the Nor- thern Circar. 2. Account of Muttur in the Northern Circars. ^3.^ List of the various Sanscrit and TeWu Books in the hands of Mamiddi Ungaya a Banian at 31asuli~ palam.