Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/166

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12. Account of the Baleyaru Sinhapurum Z4gra~ haram in the Atugaddah District. XXII. 1. Accounts of Balanki Sorana Harichandana Ja* gaddeva, Zemiudar of Bramhana Bhdgi mutah. 2. Account of the Karanam Sdmanta mahd putrudu of Kasbah Bramhana Bhdgi 3. Account of Vira Jagannathapuram and Nova- gaum in the Bramhana Bhdgi Mutah. 4. Accountofthe Tribe of Odhraox the Urij/a People. 5. List of the Poetical Books in Orissa. 6. List of the Jagir villages together with the names of Jagirdars in the Atugaddah District. . 7. Genealogical account of Chytanya Ananga Bhima- deva Raja of the Vijayanagar District. 8. Account of the Pedda Kimedi and China Rimed Districts. XXIII. 1. Account of the Jagir villages in the Atugad- da District. XXIV. 1. Accounts of some Agrahdrams and Jagirs of Sorugada District. 2. Accounts of some villages in the Bodogada District. 3. Accounts of the Jagirs of the Sorugada District. XXV. 1. Accounts Of the Karanams (or village accounts) oC Jadah Mutah at Dharakota District. 2. Account of the Saharrangam Division of the Dha- rakota District* 4. Particular account of the Jagir villages in the Dharakotta District. 4. A particular account of Dharakota District*