Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/180

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weswer, Sahasratingotsara, Jim Rayaswami, Hanufnant Jtpuamcuni) Gulallwar Govinda Rajamami, $c. Gods at Tripeti. 5. Chronological Account of the Sovereigns &c, •who have reigned at Tripeti and granted Endowments there. 6. Copy of an Old Manuscript containing an account of the differences and disputes between the Vaishnaval* and Saiwulu in the Telugu country. 7. Abridged Account of Venkates&er the deity wor- shipped at Tripeti. 8. Account of the Mantapams^ Pdk&i arris and other Buildings at Tripetil 9. Account of the different Gardens, Hills and Tirths or sacred Ponds at Tripeti. 10. Particulars of the Buildings of the different Tem- ples and Mantapams &c. at Tripeti. 11. Account of the Boundaries of Tripeti. 12. List of the villages of the Tripeti district, together with Enams or Priviliges in ditto. 13. Account of the Limits of the Kridah or Spectacles and Entertainments of the God at Tripeti. ' 14. Collections and Disbursments of the Pargannah of Tripeti. 15. Account of the different nations who come on Pil- grimage to Tripeti and their offerings. 16. Legendary account of Venkateswer at Tripetu re- lated in the Bhavishj/oltara Puranam. 17. Chronological account of the ancient Rajas from the Krita Yug. XLV. 1. Copy of an ancient record of the Princes of Chan* dragiri with their works, preserved in the hands of the Karanams of Chandragiri in the Telugu country. XLVI. 1. Particular account of Venkateswer Sztami the deity worshipped at Tripeti in the Telugu country.