Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/27

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[ »9 ] His son Na>/anendriya, His son Kalasevala, — His son DuniluHiahanta, His son Truunku, . His son Uurischandra, — His son iMkildUsha, — — His son Nala, His son Kurttpasi/a, His son Gunarusi, His son Partial, — His son Amara — . His son Mdndkuld, — His son Markka, 1IU son Bindu,— His son Lavala,— His son Parilapi, His son Sila Gopula, — ■ His son Nanda Gopala — His son f'ttsutleva, His son Srikritkna, His son Sildppa, — His son Dhigu, — His son Ragfot,— His son jirantfa, — His son Mrtgart'ija, His son Dasaratha, His son Rama,— They are ail destroyed at the dissolution of the world but Sangana Bdsava exists alone himself. Hear the incHmHtions of Bdsava. In the age Krila, when Iswara destroyed the Ann he was Pramatha Ganesnar,-when Invar killed Gajasur and assumed his hide he was called UgraGanesviar, when Siva beheaded the