Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/327

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clxxi period and its value in every stage unlill it becomes a Bearing Tree. 9. Table third, containing the three periods of th^ Cat/ango or Areca-Tree, the name of the Tree under each period and its value in every stage untili it becomes a bearing Tree. 10. Table fourth, containing the four periods of the Chupung Tree, the name of the Tree under every stage^ untili it becomes a Tree fit for cutting. 11. Table Fifth, containing the two periods of the Vallan or Plantain Tree, the name of the Tree under every stage, untili it becomes a bearing Tree. 12. Table Sixth, containing an account of the four periods of the Vatalo Valboo, or the Beetle Vine, the name of the Vine under each periods, aud its value in every stage, untili it becomes a bearing Vine. Table Seventh, containing an account of the four periods of the Molluwallu, or Pepper Vine, the name of the Vine under each period and its value. 13. Table Eighth, containing an account of the four periods of the Mullau. 14. Table Ninth, containing an account of the Annavy Pallungul. 15. List of Grains, Roots and Vegetables. 16. Ditto Ditto, in Malabar. 17. Form of Deeds. LI. 1 . Different Consultations of the Madras Government, from the beginning of 1672, to 1678. LII. 1. Extracts, Madras Records, Diary and Consultati- ^ onsfrom January 1679, to January 1680 * 2. A Memorial of Streynsham Master, Esq. Airent of the Coast and Bay, &c. his journey from Fort St. George Madraspatam to Metchlipatam, and ports, to visit those Factories from March, to May, 1679. 3. Ditto ditto, of Streynsham Master, Esq. Agent of the Coast of Coromaudell and Bay of Bengal, and Jus voyage » » •"V-v , i T.