Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/39

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t si i which he throws into the river. Divers being or- der to recover them, find a large treasure in the River's bed. Ndgaya thence goes to Kalastri where he is received into a Linga, the usual consumma^ tion of Saiva devotion. XXXII. — Nannaya Cheritra. . a. Paper — b. — Palm leaves. An account of one of the disciples of Basava who receives a Lingam from that teacher, adopts an ascetic life, performs miracles and obtains emancipa- tion ; which circumstances are narrated by Basava for the edification of the inhabitants of Kalydna. By Rama Kavi. XXXIII. — Siddharamdya Cheritra. Paper. Story of a Jangama priest, an incarnation of one of Siva's attendants who was punished by a mortal ' birth for stealing lotuses from his master's garden, and after a life of sanctity was restored to his form- er station. XXXIV. — Raghavdnka Cheritra. Palm leaves.

Account of Raghavdnka a Jangama priest the son of Mddhava Bhatt of Virupdksha in Kuntala desa and disciple of Harihardchdri, by whom the Lingam is tied round his neck. After being duly