Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/408

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tjclti Coins, and fire kinds of Earth, procured on the Hill of Tiruverjepur together viih the account of Dccanumpal- nam in (he Maratta Language. 21st. to 26th.— I was employed translating the account of the Jainas and the Kurumbas who ruled in Tondir- mandalam, which I procured ut Truxakaira. Terawadi, Tetuvevjepur and JJevanawpatnam and oilier places, mean time I received a lent r from Lieut. Sim, saving that I should first follow his Ba£«?age to Karjcal/ and thai the business which I had to io here, could be finish- ed on my return from Tranqucbar, I accordingly fhiUhed the translation and was ready to proceed. March 1st. to 3d.— I was attending on Lieut. Sim. and delivered a packet containing the original and translation of teJamas % for him to frank and dispatch to Madras; and then took leave of him to go to Karical. 4th. to 8th.— Leaving Kaddalur 1 proceeded to Tron- quebar, Six Gows South by the way of Sehetamber, >Ai Allj/< and VideswarKovily collecting different Coins in the the Bazar together with the accounts of the Chola and Pandia Rajas from the learned people. 9th.— I waited upon Lieut. Sim, at Tranquebar who directed me to procure the account of the Jiajas and some Ancient Coins there until he returned from Ka- rical. 10th. to 11th.— I proceeded to the different heights, proem ed Coins, purchased some in tire Bazar from the Shroffs'. I visited Mr. Allcur, who has a collection of dif- ferent Coins, and requested him to shew them to rae/he desired me to come the next day and that he would shew me every thing as I wished. 18th.— I waited on Lient. Sim and acquainted him a- bout the Coins of Mr. Allcur upon which he took me to Mr. Allcur's house, shewed me all the Coins and told me look out for any Roman Gold or Copper Coins, accord- ingly I searched for about two hours, but could find no Roman Coins.