Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/425

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cclxix tell the Image according to the bazar price ; having settled thus I took those people to the Collector's house. Mr. Thackeray sent for the Stanihulu and asked "Will you dispose of the Image at a fixed price," they said " yes," on which the Collector told me, if I came in the morning he would give me the Image, next morning the other Stanikulu hearing of this, about forty or fifty of of them in number came to the Cutcherri, to acquaint the Collector, that they had not agreed to sell the Image: mean time I went and paid my respects to the Collector ■who sent for his head Serishtadar^ Venkat Rao, and settled the price of the Image at twenty-five Star Pagodas, ami took an agreement from me for that sum and delivered the Image into my care. I immediately employed four Coolies to carry it to my house, I also wrote to my Mas- ter inclosed in Mr. Sim's letter and dispatched it to Pon* dicherry. 19th. to 23d.— On the 19th I left Nagapainam and ar- rived at Pondicherry on the 23d and waited on Lieut. Sim shewing him the Image, and took his leave to go to Madras. 24th. and 25th.— Thence I arrived at Alampara and visited the old Fishwoman, who had promised to get Roman Gold Coins, although she had tried every morn- ing and evening she had not been successful, yet howe- ver she hopes to get some very soon, and promises to bring them to me to Madras. I then employed some Fishermen and tried till one o'Clock up cm that height and procured one Roman Copper Coin, and some others ; I desired the Woman to endeavour to find some Roman Gold Coins and returned to my place. 26th. and 27th. — I left Alampara on the 26th and ar«  lived at Madras on the 27th. 29th. — I waited on my Master and delivered the Image &c. to him. «  30th.— From the 30th May to the 2d June, I was em- ployed in completing my Report from 24th December, 1816, to the 27th May 1817, which was finished on the Sd June* I