Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/43

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[»] 23 Immddi Bhdrati 24 Abhinava Nrisimha Bharati 25 Sachchiddnanda Bhdrati — 26 Nrisimha Bhdrati 27 Immddi Sachchiddnanda Bhdrati 28 Abhinava Sachchiddnanda Bhdrati 29 Nrisimha Bhirati XLI. — Sankara Kathd. Palm leaves. A short account of Sanlcardchdrya, X LI 1 . — Bhuvanakosha. Paper A collection of Pauranic lejpnds relating to va- rious fabulous or historical personages as Sagara, Harischandra, Pururavas, Mdndhdtd Dadhichi, Sankhdchura, &c. from the Sanscrit. XLI II. — Brahmaya Suvi. - Palm lea? es. .Account of Nanjana Gonda Brahmaya, of Nanjana Gondi, a devout worshipper of Siva and Sakti, the favour shewn him by Siva, and his final departure to Kailds. By Maradalia Ram ay a. vol. n. F