Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/46

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C 38 ] he had a son, to whom he gave the name Kdmpila, and marri- ed him to Hariyammd daughter of Gujala Kati Nayak. The Sultan of Delhi having marched against Rdma llaja of De- vagiri 9 defeated and taken him, and laid waste his territory, Singeri Nayak returned to his native country, where he was well received by Malta Raja, whom, on his dying without is- sue he succeeded, and considerably extended his territorial possessions. He was succeeded by his son Kdmpila who was a still greater conqueror, and reduced all the petty Rajas of Karndta to subjection. Kampila had five wives — and sons by each : by the eldest of them he had last of all, the especial hero of the narrative, Kumar a or Prince Rama. Amongst the sovereigns who were the neighbours of Kdmpila the Raja of Guli was his rival, and demanded tribute of him, which Kdm- pila resenting, sent his son Rdma then only twelve years of age with an army against Guli. Rama defeated the Guli Ra- ja, and took him prisoner, and brought him to his father, who liberated his captive on his consenting to become tributary to him. Amongst the booty were ten horses which Rdma re- served to himself — his brothers asked him for them to which he replied ; Why do you not gain similar prizes by your own prowess. This taunt they reported to their mothers who thence became inimical to Rdma 9 and in order to accomplish his destruction incessantly urged the Raja to send him on pe- rilous expeditions. Rdma at last vowed to conquer the seven- ty Rajas, or nor to return, and with this view repaired to the Court of Praldpa Rudra at Warankal — where Linga Setti be- came attached to him. and made him known to the Raja at first, Rdma was well received, but Pralapa Rudra becoming jealous of the encomiastic titles lavished upon Rdma for his heroism by the Bards and heralds, desired him, to forbid their being applied to him. Rdma answered it was easy for him to acquire fresh honors, but he would not part with any that he had ever won— and the enmity of the Rdya being thus incur*